Share a joke with friends

Take an occasional risk

Fall in love with someone..

Always try to see the glass half full

Be weird whenever you have the chance

Love your friends, no matter who they are

Love someone with all of your heart

Always be up for surprises

It will get better

Watch your steps

Exercise to keep fit

Live up to your name

Seize the Moment

Indulge in the things you truly love

and CLOSE YOUR EYES..........

And smile at least once a day!
Life is Short
They say it takes a minute
to find special person
an hour to appreciate them
a day to love them
but then an entire life
to forget them.
Send this phrase to the people
you'll never forget
it's a short message
to let them know
that you'll never forget them.
If you don't sent it to anyone,
it means you're in a hurry
and that you've forgotten
your friend.
Salam kak zakie,
Sukar mencari kawan yg boleh dipanggil sahabat. Kawan baik saya ialah suami saya. Susah senang, baik buruk dikongsi bersama.
Assallamualaikum kakzakie,
Bestnya N3 ni..
Kawan baik mama ramainya..tak terkira kot
semua siblings
semua friends..
all relatives..
W/salam Ummufaiz & mama nadz,
Memang benar mereka yang paling rapat/hampir dgn kita itulah sahabat/kawan yang kita harap boleh membahagiakan kita dunia dan akhirat.
p/s: kawan alamaya pun boleh membahagiakan juga walaupun tak terjangkau tangan. Hehehe..
akak..suka saya...
Salam ziarah kunjungan balas.
semuga ukhuwwah diberkati Allah.
Salam BHS,
suka dengan yang comel-comel tu kan....
Hi salam pinat,
terima kasih ziarah. mudah-mudahan ukhuwah diberkati ameen....
hi kak za...
salam malam
seronok banyak banyak knowledge dlm block kak za ni
jumpa lagi
salam zakie, a true friend is hard to find... betul kan?
Hi Dila,
seronok ke? alhamdulillah ok la tu....
W/salam kakpah,
it's true cause we sometimes cannot predict why tears drop and why laughing appeared.
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